Preston Veterans' Memorial School
Raymond Bernier
Welcome to Preston Veterans’ Memorial School, PVMS. We are a proud Pre-K – grade 5 school consisting of about 300 students. At PVMS, we are a Positive Behavior Intervention School. We use the acronym PAWS: Positive Attitudes, Always Showing Respect, Working Together To Do Our Best, Safety First. We are a community of learners with positive attitudes. We show respect to ourselves, others, and our school. We work together to do our best and be safe.
Our tuition-based, full day Pre-Kindergarten program is open to age appropriate Preston residents. While we always hope to include all students, there may arise time we need to resort to a lottery for placement. All paperwork must be submitted in order to be eligible for the lottery. See Preston Schools' Registration Requirements for a complete list.
Please always feel free to contact us at the school.
Upcoming Events
PVMS Newsletter From Mr. Bernier
The PVMS PTO is a volunteer organization made up of parents, caregivers, teachers, administrators, and support staff who all are dedicated to the successful education of our children. We encourage you to get involved.