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Preston Plains Middle School

Christopher Pickett

Christopher Pickett

Preston Plains Middle School Principal

Welcome to Preston Plains Middle School! We are a small, rural middle school where everyone — adults and students alike — work to ensure that all students feel part of our school community. Through our schoolwide expectations, we teach students to be respectful of themselves, each other, school and personal property, and the learning process. In addition to
core academic classes, students take part in specials (art, music, physical education, music or instrumental music, computer, and library/media) as well as weekly band or exploratory activities. After-school activities include sports (soccer, cross-country, basketball, track) and clubs. We are committed to providing students with a well-rounded education, one that will prepare them for the rigors of high school and beyond. At PPMS, we are all Proud Panthers!!

Fact Sheets

The PPMS Fact Sheets describe the staff roles and student responsibilities at each grade level. 

Online Math Access

PPMS uses ALEKS to work on math skills at home.

link to aleks

Homework Access

Ask your child to log in to their school's Google account to view all class assignments.

Homework Link