Special Services
Our Special Education office is located at the Preston Veterans' Memorial School, 325 Shetucket Tpke, Preston, CT 06365.
Preston Public Schools provides a free and appropriate public education to students with disabilities in an environment that is deemed least restrictive for each student. Special education personnel are assigned to either Preston Veterans' Memorial School or Preston Plains Middle School and include special education teachers. Related services personnel (speech and language pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, school psychologists and a social worker) provide services to students in district. All special education personnel collaborate with regular education staff to ensure special needs students are able to successfully participate and access the Connecticut Core Standards.
We are pleased to announce that the State Department of Education has launched a new system for Special Education/Section 504 documentation. This system is called CT-SEDs. The processes you are accustomed to have not changed. The IEP will look different and you will have online access. Of course we are always happy to provide you with paper copies at your request. The IEP form will begin at your child's annual review.
As permitted by law, the Preston Board of Education will be destroying confidential special education/504 records of students that exited the district during the 2019-2020 school year and prior to the start of the 2017-2018 school year. Confidential records include referrals to special services, PPT records, testing and evaluation documentation, correspondence with other agencies, and all other records related to special education or special services. A parent/guardian (if that person is the conservator or legal guardian) or eligible (adult) student wanting to obtain their confidential records must contact the office of the Director of Special Education at 860-889-6098 by July 31, 2023. Records will be destroyed in the Fall of 2024.