Board of Education Information
In order to perform its duties in an open and public manner and in accordance with state law, the Preston Board of Education usually holds regular business meetings in accordance with the posted calendar. Parents, students, and other community members are encouraged to attend.
Meetings of the Board of Education follow a planned posted agenda. At certain time in the agenda the Board Chairperson will recognize individuals who want to make a statement, not more than 5 minutes in length, or to express a viewpoint. In addition, if they give advance notice to the Superintendent, individuals with relevant issues for discussion may have such issues placed on a future Board agenda for a more thorough discussion of the topic.
The Board's main purpose is policy setting designed to improve student learning. Board members are interested in the public's opinion on district issues, which can assist them in formulating policy that reflects community values and expectations.
The Preston Board of Education holds meetings in accordance with posted calendar. Please be sure to review the up to date minutes from the Board of Education and its sub-committee.